In remembrance of those who have enriched our ancestral legacy

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Elizabeth Huggins Perry, Widow's Pension

A Letter to Mr. James G. Stanly
Kinston, N. C.
Jan. 4th, 1855
Mr. James G. Stanly
Clerk of the Court
Dear Sir:
You will confer a singular favor on an old widow of a revolutionary soldier by examining your office for some old Military record of the names of old soldiers of the revolution, who marched from Craven and Jones Countires (Jones at that time was in Craven), about the year 1779 and 1780. There was a company of men that went from that part of Craven now Jones County as follows: HUGH STANLY, JR., HUGH STANLY, SENIOR, ROBERT STANLY, WEXEL PERRY and ADONIJAH PERRY, under the command of Brigadier General Richard Caswell and they were at the Battle of Camden, S.C., the whole under the command of General Gates. The name and services of Adonijah Perry is the one I wish to obtain, and the name of his Captain; he was a militiaman. If you should find his name and service please to send me your certificates with your office seal attached of said service and his Captain's name, and also the amount of your fee, and I will remit it to you immediately on receipt of same.
I have been informed that there is some old Revolutionary records in your office and I hope you will take the trouble to ascertain if so or not. Adonijah Perry joined the army in 1779 or 1780 from an old letter now in the posseion of his widow, dated August 29th, 1780, he was then encamped at Ramsey's Mill on Deep River, N.C., this letter was rote after the Battle of Camden, which was fought on the 16th August, 1780, he says in this letter that after the defeat of the Americans he joined the Regt. commanded by Col. Sowel the 19th of August 1780. Your attention to this if you please as the old widow is entitled to a pension from the Government providing she can produce record evidence of his service. If you find any revolutionary records, you will please look for the name of Claret Wine, who was a soldier also, but from what I can learn he belonged to the regular army.
Yours with high respect,
Thomas J. Blakely
Source: FHL Book 975.6192 P2m vol. 1, Records of Craven County, North Carolina